We don't allow broom cleaning, or spot These are videos of rentals of those who moved out, but stated they cleaned.
cleaning or a quick surface cleaning, see if it will pass type of cleaning, won't pass with us.
These videos were taken due to disputes between tenant and management. If we appease and let it go, who will be obligated to take care of it?
The landlord's cost?
The next person moving in, let them deal with it?
Have the moving tenant follow MoveOutProcess.com
Watch this video first
These are only a few of several hundreds of videos obtained over 40 years of property management.
These tenants paid alot of $ to restore the places they lived. Remember, it's easier to keep things clean then it is to make things clean.
Another Video, Click
Another Video, Click
Another Video, Click
Another Video, Click
We had to make this unit clean, Click
Remember, it's easier to keep things clean while living in one of our rentals, then it is to make things clean.
Cat Fur throughout and carpet damages, The tenant's move out charges are through the roof, is it the landlords fault or is it the tenant's fault?
Some clean as stated in MoveOutProcess.com
There are others who just fly by as fast as they can, we call that broom clean, or spot cleaning.
Again, please follow the process as outlined.
If you have questions on anything, go to OurLeaseExhibits.com